Photo courtesy of: Greg Land

Todd Podbielski

Project Analyst

Mr. Podbielski joins B&D as a project analyst in the Austin, TX office. Todd started his career working with a local affordable housing developer and civil engineering firm in the region. He has supported the development of new affordable housing projects, ranging from townhomes to permanent supportive housing.

Todd graduated from Texas State University with a Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning & Public Administration in 2019. He continued his education by receiving a Master of Science in Community & Regional Planning from the University of Texas in 2021.

  • M.S. Community & Regional Planning, University of Texas
  • B.S. Urban Planning & Public Administration, Texas State University

"B&D provides a great opportunity to learn, advance, and to make a positive contribution to our clients and the people they serve. I am inspired by the talented people and the entrepreneurial spirit in the company."

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Photo courtesy of: Sam Kittner