Photo courtesy of: Greg Land

Rafi Taherian

Senior Consultant

With 30 years of transformative leadership in collegiate hospitality at Stanford and Yale, Rafi Taherian is highly skilled in aligning vision with resources, developing award-winning teams, optimizing operations, and promoting sustainability. He has served in advisory roles for prestigious industry initiatives, including Menus of Change (jointly led by The Culinary Institute of America and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health), the International Food Manufacturers Association (IFMA) Food Leadership Council, the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Mediterranean Diet Round Table (MDR), and Good Food China. Rafi has received numerous accolades, including the IFMA Gold Plate and the Seton Elm-Ivy Award.

  • B.Arch. Urban Planning, Università Iuav di Venezia
  • A.O.S Culinary Art, The Culinary Institute of America

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Photo courtesy of: Sam Kittner